
What's New/Changed in v9.98388

Here's what's changed in the latest build of Practice Engine v9.9.



15835 - Offload long running SQL calls from Period End

We have added a standard scheduled task that runs the long running queries for the month end and triggers the task at the end of the current Period End SP. This custom SP does the Staff Work History and Timesheet suggestions tidy up and then disables itself.


15852 - Draft allocations to bank feed staging

It is now possible to create a draft allocation for a new bank feed entry and specify the individual invoice being paid.




15848 - Print fees with Hyperlinks

We have fixed an issue with printing fees containing hyperlinks.


15839 - Period End error if next period doesn't exist

We have introduced an error message to be displayed if the next period does not exist to explain "The Period End cannot be run as the next period does not exist."


15830 - Disbursement Rates

Some clients experienced an error when editing disbursement rates. This has been fixed.

Reported by Mazars (Ticket no. 49526)


15848 - Department drop down list is empty in Query Builder > Jobs > Department

We have fixed an issue where the Department drop down list was empty when using the query builder.

Reported by CapinC (Ticket no. 49171)


15840 - Import Control - Client updates

Some clients experienced an issue when performing any client imports through the import control where any data with apostrophes broke the import. This has now been fixed.

Reported by Withum (Ticket no. 49508)


15841 - Foreign Currency rounding

Rounding issues on multi-currency have been fixed.

Reported by Buzzacott (Ticket no. 49825)


15842 - Expense receipts/allocations deletion

We have fixed an issue where expense receipts/allocations from active expenses could be deleted even if some of the entries were posted from within a draft bill..

Reported by SSA (Ticket no. 49732)


15843 - WIP reserves

There was an error shown when zeroing out a client who had negative WIP and a provision. This has now been fixed.

Reported by Capin (Ticket no. 49789)


15844 - Deposit Analysis Report joining old conversion records.

We have fixed an issue where Deposit Analysis Reports were being attached to old conversion records.

Reported by Smythe (Ticket no. 47849)


15846 - Special Portfolio Data Button Not Working

Some clients experienced a Chrome Console shows a Server 500 error when accessing Portfolio > Special Portfolios and selecting the "Data" button. This has now been fixed.

Reported by Jackson Thornton (Ticket no. 48354)


15785 - Deposits

There was an issue when the individual deposit date was defaulting to a date before the batch header date. This has now been fixed.

Reported by Whitelaw Wells (Ticket no. 48248)


15829 - Main Portfolio Billing Guide Error

We have fixed an issue where a memory error message was displayed.

Reported by Janover (Ticket no. 49365)


15833 - Unable to delete deposits

Several clients reported a server setup issue where entries could not be deleted within a deposit batch or an empty batch. This has been fixed.

Reported by Thomas Wescott (Ticket no. 49579)


15836 - Error in Analysis Tab of Draft Bill

We've fixed an issue where WO Reasons Selected in Add and Auto Allocate were not displaying correctly in the Analysis Tab of Draft Bill.

Reported by BT Catalyst (Ticket no. 49630)


15838 - Staff Security Settings Groups are not listed alphabetically

We have fixed an issue where Staff Security Settings Groups were not being listed alphabetically.

Reported by Janover (Ticket no. 49368)

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