Here's what's changed in the latest build of Practice Engine v9.9.
15875 - Add external link component to timesheet page base
A reference has been added to the external links component so it is available on the timesheet page as a customization.
15862 - FileStorageOptions loading
The FileStorageOptions have been standardized.
15837 - Nationality Default Value in New Client Take On
When setting up a person contact, the nationality defaulted to British due to the tblperson default for Nationality field overriding any frontend setup available. This has been fixed.
Reported by Windham Brannon (Ticket no.49681)
15845 - Adding a condition to Query Builder Removes Results
When creating a client report in query builder, the condition Client - ARCollection - Statements? was causing the results to disappear from the report. This has been fixed.
Reported by Windham Brannon (Ticket no.47592)
15847 - Issue with Client Name When They are Long And Creating Merge Drafts
An issue where the Add/Edit Screen to add more drafts was becoming unwieldy after creating a merged draft with a large number of drafts and client with long names has been fixed.
Reported by Honkamp (Ticket no. 48438)
15851 - Staff Budget Import
An import issue relating to the use of commas and single apostrophes has been fixed.
Reported by several clients (Ticket no.50071)
15854 - Main Portfolio - Billing Guide
A "random" group name was showing up on the title of the billing guide portfolio, even when it is not a group billing guide. This has been fixed.
Reported by Withum (Ticket no.49867)
15855 - Deleting jobs
Jobs that had been deleted after they had moved to scheduling were not being properly deleted from the Scheduling module. This has been fixed.
Reported by Barnes Dennig & Co. (Ticket no.49046)
15856 - Client Monies Rounding Issue
A rounding issue in Javascript has been resolved.
Reported by Thomas Westcott (Ticket no.50284)
15857 - Related Contacts on Multiple Engagements
An issue where the connection on a multiple engagement client was not displaying has been fixed.
Reported internally. Ticket no. 50289
15858 - Date field extension on leave screen
An issue which occurred when in the last 3 months of the year, where the end date of the default leave request list was the end of next year rather than the end of the current year. This has been resolved.
Reported by Mazars (Ticket no.50406)
15859 - Disbursement Upload
When importing Disbursements the system was not accounting for any other VAT code apart from 1 and reporting an invalid code. This has been fixed.
Reported by RSM (Ticket no.50012)
15860 - Data & Filtered Data options on Staff Maintenance page or PTO Transaction page
Data & Filtered Data options were not working on Staff Maintenance page or PTO Transaction page. This has been fixed.
Reported internally (Ticket no.50259)
15861 - Add unposted WIP when restrict to current period is ticked
The system was not properly enabling the ‘Restrict to current period’ setting resulting in a draft fee defaulting to todays date. This caused an issue adding the unposted future dated wip. This has now been resolved.
Reported internally (Ticket no.50796)
15863 - Service Ownership Portfolio
pes_staff_dashlet_portfolio_byserv did not include unlinked credit notes (type 26). This has been fixed.
Reported by Buzzacott (Ticket no.50865)
15864 - WIP Recalculation
An issue has been fixed regarding the hierarchy of how WIP was recalculated. Small changes to the SPs fixed the issue.
Reported by Grimbleby Coleman (Ticket no.50869)
15865 - Billing Guide only showing one client header
Billing Guide was only showing one client header. This has been fixed.
Reported by AAF (Ticket no.50794)
15866 - Moving time entries is not updating the Header total hours for the week where the entry was moved from
Moving time entries was not updating the Header total hours for the week where the entry was moved from. This has now been resolved.
Reported by Withum (Ticket no.50374)
15867 - Query Builder Clients Data Model
In Query Builder Clients Data Model, when ClientARCollectionGroup was added, it was not showing the Group in the results of the report. This has been resolved.
Reported by Roth (Ticket no.49754)
15868 - SQL code for bulk print and bulk confirm in billing portfolio and Zero Bills
An issue caused by the SQL code for bulk print and bulk confirm not showing the checkboxes to allow selection in billing portfolio has been resolved.
(Ticket no.50761)
15869 - Upgrade - Report issue
Using "Parameterised SQL Query" in the reporting section was not correctly pulling up the parameters. This has been fixed.
Reported by Geffen Mesher (Ticket no.50892)
15874 - Lockdown for period end
A timeout issue after selecting 'Lock Down' for period end has been fixed.
Reported by Buzzacott (Ticket no.50651)
15879 - Macro $badrequest and snapshot isolation errors
This has been fixed.
Reported by Withum (Ticket no.50964)