Here's what's changed in the latest build of Practice Engine v9.9.
15893 - Job Work Status Type to search
A fix has been added to allow users to search for a status in the drop down when editing job details.
15892 - Staff Production dialog
There was display error with the list of items in the staff production details dialog, where the first few lines were hidden. This has been fixed.
15891 - RepGen struggling to read layout files
The way in which the rpx layout files are loaded has been changed to ensure it works in all new situations.
15870 - Client ownership portfolio
We have fixed an issue where the Bills PTD figure on some of the staff dashlets was using the wrong total value.
Reported by Buzzacott (Ticket no.50953)
15871 - Accuracy of dashlets
There was an issue with some dashlets not including unlinked credit notes. This has now been fixed.
Reported by Buzzacott (Ticket no.50871)
15872 - User unable to download data from Main Portfolio WIP Report
There was an issue with exporting data from the main portfolio WIP report. This has now been fixed.
Reported by Buzzacott (Ticket no.50896)
15873 - Combine/Merging Bills with multiple interim lines creating duplicate allocidx's
A fix has been implemented to stop duplicate allocidx's being created when combining or merging bills with multiple interim lines.
Reported by Withum (Ticket no. 50971)
15876 - tblWebStdParam Not Updating Period Start Automatically When Changing Year Start
There was an issue with tblWebStdParam failing to automatically update the Period Start when the Year Start is changed. This has now been fixed.
Reported by Withum (Ticket no.51094)
15877 - Receipt issue
An issue was fixed where the system wrongly allowed deletion of a deposit.
Reported by Buzzacott (Ticket no.51256)
15878 - Invoice Print Error When Printing After Adding Attachment to Generated Invoice
An error occurred when an attachment was added to a generated invoice and then printed. This has been fixed.
Reported by Withum (Ticket no.50444, also same as Ticket no. 48182)
15880 - Update Invoice Attachments to be the same across PE
A fix has been implemented to make sure that all invoices sent as attachments have the same naming convention. This has been changed to "Invoice " + [Invoice Number] + [Client Number] + [Client Name] + [Invoice Date].
Reported by Janover LLC (Ticket no.50906)
15881 - Jobs Grids column type
All Jobs Grids have been updated to include a column type for Date for Job Start Target.
Reported by Smith Schafer. (Ticket no.51104)
15883 - Global Jobs Lists with New Filters Resource Issues
An error which occurred when browsing to the new grid lists was first attributed to a resource issue but was updated to reflect site config issues. This has now been fixed.
Reported by Hogan Taylor (Ticket no.51682)
15884 - Update Bulk Job Admin - Replace Staff On Role Function to Include Termed Staff in Search
An update has been implemented to include termed staff when searching for staff for replacement functions.
Reported by Hogan Taylor (Ticket no.51578)
15885 - Billing WIP figures
There was an issue where the WIP figures were getting distorted. This has been fixed.
Reported by Bowlts (Ticket no.51869)
15886 - WIP fields on Portfolio Screen
There was an issue with the All WIP fields on Portfolio Screen not displaying correctly. This has been fixed.
Reported by Hogan Taylor (Ticket no. 50234)
15887 - 0 WIP Rate for Custom Job Rates
An issue with WIP Rates showing as $0 when using custom rates or upgrading has now been fixed.
Reported by Smythe (Ticket no.51637)
15889 - Credit Note won't confirm
There was an issue with credit notes failing to confirm due to the VAT being incorrect on the initial fee. This has now been fixed.
Reported by Mazars (Ticket no.52119)
15888 - Restrict to current period
A fix has been added to ensure bills cannot be dated outside the current period.
Reported by Buzzacott (Ticket no.51233)