
What's New/Changed in v9.9.8689

Here's what's changed in the latest build of Practice Engine v9.9.



15990 - Vat Rate calculating differently in credit notes from invoices

An issue was found when there were multiple lines of analysis on a credit memo, the VAT was sometimes calculated incorrectly. This has now been resolved.

Reported by Baker Tilly Catalyst (Ticket no. 55811)


15999 - Draft Bill Memo Saving Overwrites Typing

There was an issue when typing in the memo field in a draft bill where the save was overwriting what was typed. This has now been fixed.

Reported by Buzzacott (Ticket no.15918)


16037 - Task Due Date not cleared when Date is Cleared

There was an issue with Task Due dates not disappearing after the due date was removed and saved. This has now been fixed.

Reported by Beaird Harris (Ticket no.57184)


16038 - Billing Narrative Tags not populating on invoices

There was an issue where the “Placeholders” on the Job Billing Narrative were not being correctly replaced when printing the invoices. This has been resolved.

Reported by Perkins (Ticket no.57263)


16039 - Issue processing Zero Bill for Client # 96010 & 96001

When creating zero bills for jobs with more than one interim invoice, the total amount of WIP was being applied to all invoices which resulted in more being written off/carried forward than was available. This has now been resolved.

Reported by AAF CPAs (Ticket no.57070)


16046 - Issue with Expense Rounding

There was an issue found with the use of decimal places, as expenses only had two decimal places but some rates had many decimal place. This has now been resolved.

Reported by Larking Gowen (Ticket no.57194)


16048 - Credit Memo Error when there is no Unknown Write Off Reason

An error occurred when creating a credit memo based on a progress bill that consisted of all write ups which resulted in incorrect amounts and the WIP allocation not matching the WIP allocation of the invoice. This has now been resolved.

Reported by BT Rockies (Ticket no.57795)


16049 - My Department Diary Defaults to All Departments (Back)

There was a recurring issue found where an incorrect department was selected in My Department Diary. This has now been resolved.

Reported by Smythe LLP (Ticket no.56485)


16050 - Issue with Importing clients without VAT Code or Email

There was an issue found with importing Clients where there was no option to import ClientBillingEmail and ClientStatement email to tblengagement. Additionally, if no VatCode was set, it defaulted to a VatCode of 1 which caused problems for some clients. This has now been resolved.

Reported by PE Staff (Ticket no.53533)


16051 - Cannot use Timesheet Link from Client Actions dashlet

An error message was displayed when selecting the 'Enter a Timesheet' option on the Client Actions dashlet. This has been resolved.

Reported by PBMares, LLP (Ticket no.57278)


16052 -  Combining Invoices for creating Combined Credit

There was an issue found when combining Invoices for creating Combined Credit, where the amount calculated was wrong. This has been fixed.

Reported by KSM Business Services (Ticket no.44933)


16053 - Cannot view Job Questionnaires

An error occurred when opening a questionnaire from a job. This has now been resolved.

Reported by PBMares (Ticket no.57079)

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