
Release Summary (v9.8)

This article outlines the changes and modifications made to IRIS Practice Engine in version 9.8, i.e. those made since the last release (9.7)

Note: PE Collect (Advanced Credit Control) and Client Monies are not part of the core IRIS Practice Engine systemand are subject to additional Licence Fees and/or Service Fees. Please contact our Support Team for further information

System Requirements

IRIS Practice Engine Version 9 requires a minimum of SQL 2016 SP1. V9 also requires an SMTP relay that can beconnected to from IRIS Practice Engine. This is a requirement due to changes to security and authentication. A DNS site name will also be required for the 9.8 site. V9 now uses .Net.Core.


9.8 is an update to the banking and DRS/AR functionality in IRIS Practice Engine. The key benefits to 9.8 are:

  • Inclusion of functionality to allow import of banking details from bank feeds and some automation to the matching of client transactions.
  • New Bank Summary page.
  • New Banking Admin View.
  • DRS/AR Allocation to the job level.
  • Rich Text Formatting on RFP Receipts.
  • Multiple RFP Receipts layouts are catered for.
  • Update of Deposits, Recurring Receipts (DD/SO), RFP Receipts, Unallocated Entries, Unposted Entries and Client DRS/AR Data Entry pages into V9 styling including the renaming of some pages.
  • Links to Client DRS/ AR Data Entry functions from the Client DRS/ AR Transactions page.
  • Continuation of moving old style pages to the new V9 style.

More information

What's New/Changed in v9.8

Permissions Modifications (v9.8)

Table Structure Changes (v9.8)





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