12317 - Performance improvements to Job Portfolio screens and the Staff Jobs dashlet
Various SP’s have been tuned to improve the Staff Jobs dashlet and the Job Portfolio screens.
12187 - Update tblSystem Change Log
An update to the SP for tblSystemSPChangeLog was required.
12297 - Leave Cancellation permission not working Log
An update to the SP for tblSystemSPChangeLog was required.
12298 - Recurring Bill Pre List
The sp that runs the Recurring Bill Pre list required an update to include the new bill narrative details.
12299 - Scheduling macros
Scheduled macros were not always emailing the reports.
12300 - Migrate logins
The function that migrates logins from the old portal database (v7 and V8) into V9 was not configured correctly. This has been updated.
12325 - USD Receipt re-allocated to a GBP account
The system was allowing a receipt in one currency to be re-allocated to an account in a different currency, causing an imbalance. (Reported on behalf of Buzzacott - 32192)
12374 - Error when new bills are generated and the bill should be emailed to the DMS
An error was being generated when a new bill was drafted. The DMS setting was not populating the From address for the email.
12376 - Macros ignoring Client SP’s and producing blank reports
The macro function was only calling the standard sp rather than checking for any client sp’s that may be in use. The result was that blank reports were being produced.
12377 - View Contact button missing
Prior versions had a View Contact button on the Contact tab of Client Details. This was missed when the page was updated. This has now been restored.
12378 - Billing WIP allocation was incorrect on negative WIP balances
The system was incorrectly calculating the WIP allocation in the situation where a job had outstanding WIP on multiple staff and an Interim bill for an amount greater than the total of the Staff WIP causing a negative WIP balance. When the job was billed the initial allocation on some staff showed a carry forward figure rather than 0.
12190 - Starting a timer in the evening in the US
Starting a timer within timesheets in the evening for US customers put the timer entry onto the next day. This was due to differences between the server time and the PC time. (Reported on behalf of Honkamp - 31341)