
What's Changed in Build 9.7.7676.23050

The following items have been fixed in this build:

12481 - Default C/F or W/O setting when billing

The Organisation setting within Billing Administration that controls the default behaviour of C/F or W/O in a bill was not being applied. (Reported on behalf of LaPorte)

12491 - Report Parameter Order not being applied

Report parameters were not being displayed in the order set on the parameter set up.

12493 - Zero Bill confirmation attempting to email zero bills

The system was attempting to email Zero Bills on confirmation and failing. The Print option has now been removed when confirming Zero Bills. If Zero bills need to be printed it can be achieved from the WIP Transactions.

12495 - Data Button not working from the Client WIP Print tab

The Data button was not producing the CSV file when attempting to export the Billing Guide information. (Reported on behalf of Milsted Langdon - 32963)

12496 - Error when trying to email the Billing Guide

An error was occurring when trying to email the billing guide from within the report. (Reported on behalf of Grimbleby Coleman - 32806)

12497 - Staff Details not using the correct Staff Grades category

The Staff Grade field on the Staff Details page was looking at the old Staff Levels category rather than the Staff Grades category.

12506 - Transferring Out of Scope Time

Out of Scope time that was being transferred was losing the Out of Scope information. (Reported on behalf of Sansiveri)

12511 - RFP Receipts not reversing when a Cheque Payment to Client is created

The RFP Receipt was not being reversed when a Cheque Payment to Client was created against the original receipt. (Reported on behalf of Milsted Langdon -32933)

12518 - Incorrect VAT calculations on bills when editing individual WIP lines

The VAT on the Narrative tab was not being recalculated correctly when the WIP on the analysis tab was being billed and allocated at the Staff, Task, Analysis or Role level. (Reported on behalf of AAB - 33232)

12532 - Editing a Draft Locked Bill

Editing a Locked Draft Bill displays a message asking if the user wants to edit the bill. This message was not being displayed correctly.

12538 - Add Another Job or Client not displaying all WIP

The Add Another Job or Client functionality was not displaying all available WIP if there was both Time and Disbursements available.

12544 - Removing individual entries on a bill

Removing individual WIP entries from a bill was causing the allocation to be calculated incorrectly.

12545 - Error when trying to credit a partially paid bill

An error was being displayed when trying to credit a partially paid bill.

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