
Table Structure Changes (v9.8)

This article details the changes that have been made to the underlying table structure of IRIS Practice
Engine for version 9.8.

New Tables

Table Use
tblClientBankAccount Holds information relating to the Client’s bank account.
tblBankFeed Holds information relating to the bank feeds.
tblBankFeedImage This table is for when direct bank feeds are available and images of cheques need to be held.
tblBankingCategory Holds information relating to the various banking categories that are used within the bank feeds.

Updated Tables

The following tables have had additional fields added.

Table Use


An additional column has been added to store the Client Bank ID.

A reference column has been added.


A reference column has been added.


An adjustment type column has been added.


Additional columns to allow editing allocations on unconfirmed entries, and columns of Entry Type and Entry ID.


Additional columns of BranchID and AccounKey have been added.


Columns added for AllowPriorPeriods, AllowFuturePeriods, SendNotification and FeedAllocationLevel.

Client Changes, Client Service
changes and Job Changes

All changes are stored with the date/time they were made.

The current state of the main record is stored allowing full history in one table.

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