
What's Changed in Build 9.7.7529.21012


11731 - Staff Diary pages need to remember selections

The Staff Diary page reset the selections that had been made after drilling into the detail. This page will now remember the previous selections made when using the Back button.

11733 - Zero Bills set to Progress by default

Zero bills have been changed to default to Progress rather than Final. They can still be marked as Final Bills but the default behaviour is now to set them as Progress.


11728 - Draft Bill Header – Status label displayed incorrectly

The Status label was mis-aligned on the New draft Bill page.

11729 - Jobs in Assurance not using the template billing settings

Jobs that were created within Assurance were not picking applying the Billing settings that had been set on the template.

11730 - Bill Confirm and Print Delay

The Bill Confirm and Print delay was too long. This has been reduced down to 2 seconds.

11732 - New Manual bill displaying Jobs with no WIP even when the Show All button was not checked

The New Manual Bill page was displaying all manual jobs when the Show All checkbox was not ticked. This has been corrected and only manual jobs with WIP will be displayed until the Show All check box is selected.

11734 - Billing portfolio grids not refreshing

The Billing Portfolio grids were not refreshing after confirming a bill and removing the confirmed bill from the grid. This has been updated.

11738 - Deactivating the Fee Build category is not removing it from the bill wizard

Deactivating a Fee Build option within Categories was not removing the option within the billing wizard. This has been updated to only show active Build Bill options.

11740 - Extra paragraph space added before the body of bill paragraphs

An additional paragraph space was being added when using the Bill Paragraph functionality. This has been removed.

11741 - Cannot delete Timesheet Header

An error message was being displayed when attempting to delete a timesheet header. This has now been resolved.

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