
What's Changed in Build 9.7.7562.26586


11842 - Allow bulk confirming of zero bills

It was not possible to select multiple zero bills from the Draft As portfolios to allow for bulk confirmation. This now available.


11793 - Reverify message

The reverify message that appears after a period of inactivity was appearing too frequently. (Reported on behalf of Dragon Argent).

11801 - Draft bills can be bulk confirmed without submitting or approving

The bulk confirm action within the Drafts As portfolios was available without the draft bill being submitted or approved.

11802 - VAT/ Tax amount on Narrative tab

The VAT/ Tax amount on the narrative tab of a bill was not rounding correctly.

11803 - Bills can be queued multiple times within Bulk Bill Printing

Clicking the generate button on the Bulk Bill Printing screen allowed ungenerated bills to be queued multiple times for printing

11804 - Error message shown when submitting a claim but not when in a receipt

The minimum length for the supplier was being ignored when adding a receipt to a claim. It was being checked when submitting the claim, but the check should be displayed when adding the receipt.

11949 - Client Contact email address not displaying on the Client Details Dashlet

The Client Details dashlet was not displaying the Client Contact email address. (Reported on behalf of Crowthers)

11951 - Staff Budgets Portfolio

The Year selector on the Staff Budgets Portfolio was defaulting to the first in the list rather than the current year. (Reported on behalf of Grimbleby Coleman)

11953 - Filtered Data and Data export options not working from the billing portfolio

The data and filtered data export options were not working from the billing portfolio.

11958 - Billing Guides

Internal notes and Out of Scope reasons were not being displayed on the Service Partner/Manager and Job Partner/ Manager and In Charge billing guides.

11960 - Removing JobStatusUpdate permission doesn’t restrict access

Removing the JobStatusUpdate permission was not controlling the ability to update the Job Status. This has been rectified. (Reported on behalf of Geffen Mesher - 30350)

11970 - Recurring Bills – [PostMonth] placeholder

The recurring fee placeholder displayed in the interface showed [PostMonth] rather than [PostMth] so this placeholder wasn’t working

11979 - Clicking No on Release All

Clicking No on Release All within timesheets was posting the time.

11987, 11989 - Staff Work Profiles

Adding a work profile was displaying the data incorrectly.

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