
What's Changed in Build 9.7.7635.31213


12429 - Set the Email attachment on bills to include the client name and code when emailing to a DMS

The format of the attachment has been modified to be clientcode, clientname, invoice number and date.

12430 - Disable the Create button on Change Orders until all fields have been completed

The Create button has been disabled until all fields on the change order have been completed

12435 - Allow bills to have different WIP types on lines for the same job in a bill

For jobs that had both Time and Disbursement lines included in a bill, the WIP type on each line had to be the same. This was required for lines that were being final billed. A modification has been made to allow different WIP types against the same job when doing Interim or Progress billing.


12408 - Editing submitted bills can be can be confirmed on screen with different Analysis and Narrative

The Confirm action was not policy checking an edited bill that had previously been submitted. The bill failed the confirmation, but the user was not aware until they received an email stating that the confirmation failed. This has been updated to run the policy check on both the Submit action and the Confirm action.

12409 - Zero Bill WIP allocation was incorrect on negative WIP balances

The system was incorrectly calculating the WIP allocation on Zero Bills where the job being zero billed had a negative WIP balance.

12411 - Auto Allocate in bills with negative WIP balances

On bills where the job being billed had a mixture of positive and negative balances, the auto allocate was not allocating the negative amounts correctly.

12422 - Timers causing issues with some analysis codes

In circumstance where an activity (chargeable) analysis code had a rate multiplier of 0%, starting a timer from the grid was causing a chargeable value to be calculated against the entry. (Reported on behalf of Dragon Argent - 32532)

12433 - Having two bills for the same client and job at the same time changes the figures

The bill amount of the already existing bill was being set to the WIP amount of the new bill.

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