
What's Changed in Build 9.8.SP1.7794


The following modifications have been made in this build:

12673 - (US Only) Tax Form list removed from Jurisdictions tab

The Tax Form drop-down list has been hidden from the Jurisdictions tab on the Job Details page.

12596 - Redundant pages and permissions removed

Redundant pages and permissions have been removed from the user interface.

12604 - (US Only) New Jurisdiction Statuses added

Two new Jurisdiction Statues have been added - Complete and Not Filing.

9484 - Expanders added to Contract Attributes page

When viewing client details, the Contact Attributes page now includes the facility to expand or contract each attribute (one at a time). If an attribute is left expanded, this setting will be retained the next time you visit this tab for this client.


12809 - URL field consistency across Prospects, Client and Details pages

We have standardised the web address format used in the ProspectsClients and Details pages (Web and URL fields) so that the web address entered does not need to include anything preceding "www", e.g. "http://" or "https://".

12679 - Improved warning message when confirming a final bill

We have updated the warning message when confirming a final bill to advise that any posted or unposted WIP that is not included in the bill will be written off during the confirmation process.

In addition, a zero bill will be created for any WIP that is written off as part of a final bill.

12609 - New facility to mark workflow status as complete

In order to facilitate an audit trail, we have provided the facility to mark any current workflow status as complete. This has been achieved with the addition of a Complete button at the end of each Workflow Status list.


Clicking the button enables any comments to be entered, before clicking Mark As Complete.

Once marked as complete, information can be accessed via the Notes and History tab.

12603 - Auto Allocate has now been added for draft billing

A new option has been provided to auto allocate multiple jobs for a client on a single final bill.

An additional Add and Auto-Allocate option has been added to the drop-down on the Analysis tab which launches an Add and Auto-Allocate dialog.

6495 - Staff descriptions can now be relabelled

It is now possible to relabel staff descriptions used in the system to align with the roles in your organisation. This is achieved via Categories, Transactional Settings, System Options. 


12608 - Delivery Email field now populated with a default when raising a bill

When raising a bill, the Delivery Email now defaults to the Credit Control email address set on the DRS/AR Collection page for the client. Any other email addresses connected to the client will be available via a drop-down list. An email address can also be manually added for the bill.

12606 - New Bills tabs added to list all bills relating to the selected job

When group billing, it is often difficult to track down which client the invoice was raised against. In order to see the details of which bills WIP has been included in, we have added a Bills tab to the job WIP Summary page. 


In addition, a Bills tab has been added to the WIP Time for Job page.


These tabs will list all the bills included for the currently selected job.



The following fixes have been applied in this build:

12680 - Adjustment drop-down list disabled for users without permission

When making adjustments via a deposit, if a user does not have permission for the DRS Adjustment component, then the Adjustment drop-down list will be read only.




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