
What's Changed in Build 9.8.SP1.7879


The following modifications have been made in this build:

12580 - New Zero Bill page displays jobs with a billing type of Recurring or Manual When Complete

The New Zero Bill page now also includes jobs that have billing types of Recurring or Manual when Complete.

12612 - Timesheet timer can now be disabled

It is now possible to apply a setting to turn on/off the ability to use a timer on a timesheets. Select Admin > Timesheet Administration from the menu, then select the Settings tab.

12929 - It is now possible to re-activate a completed workflow status

A Reactivate button is now available once a workflow status has been marked as complete. This enables the status to be reset as incomplete. The following permissions are required to make this button visible:



12930 - Actions button added to Credit Control dashboard

An Actions button with a set of drop-down menu options has been added to Credit Control Dashboard enabling the available actions to be easily accessed.

12942 - Due Date on jurisdiction extension level now retained

Previously, when the jurisidction extension level was changed to Complete or Not Filing, the due date would revert to the original date. This has now been changed so that the due date remains the same.

12957 - Ability to enter negative deposit entries can now be switched on/off

It is now possible to enable the facility to enter negative deposit entries via Admin > Banking Admin > Settings



The followed fixes have been applied to this build:

12918 - Estimate field on Engagements tab has been relabelled

On the Engagements tab of the Take on page, the Estimate field was incorrectly labelled. The field has now been relabelled to Job Billing Value.

13061 - Staff member requesting leave does not receive an email

When a staff member submits a leave request, they were not receiving an email confirmation that the leave request had been made. An email is now being successfully sent.

Reported by WMT (Ticket ID 36468)

13062 - Office permissions for staff member not honoured in classic timesheet approval

When using classic timesheet approval, the approval was not honouring the office permissions for the applicable staff member. This has now been corrected.

Reported by GT Cyprus (Ticket ID 36435)

13121 - Carriage returns are not saved in Email Wording in categories

Any carriage returns entered in the Email Wording category are not being applied. This has now been fixed.

Reported by Crowthers (Ticket ID 36711)

13133 - File name not displayed when a Layout Email File is saved

When a Layout Email File is selected and saved via Main Categories, the file name is not displayed in the Layout Email File field, even though the report has been successfully saved. This has now been corrected.

Reported by BMSS

13135 - Close button not visible when additional columns added to Change History screen

When viewing the Staff tab,  if the Change History button was clicked and additional columns added to the resulting screen, the Close button was then hidden. An X has been added to the top of this screen to enable it to be closed where necessary.


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