
What's New/Changed in v9.9

Here you'll find a list of new features found in v9.9 of IRIS Practice Engine. You can find further information on each build here.

New grid filtering capabilities - Build 9.9.8216

We're delighted to announce a number of new filtering capabilities in IRIS Practice Engine data grids. These new functionalities were designed as a result of several user groups and surveys in which we examined the issue of filtering and exporting data.

We will gradually roll out this new advanced filtering grid to replace the current grid format in future releases. It can currently be found in Staff > Task Pad > Jobs.

Read more about the new grids in our Help Centre.


Query Builder

Query Builder Help Centre Guide

Reporting > Query Builder

The Query Builder tool is available from the Reports menu. It is used to create simple queries that return a list of information from pre-defined models of data. The currently available data models are are WIP, Client, Jobs and Staff.


Reporting Dashboard - Build 9.9.7951

Reporting Dashboard Help Centre Guide

Reporting > Reporting Dashboard

A Reporting Dashboard has been added so that users can view all of the reports and queries that they need to view on a regular basis. We currently have three different dashlets that users can add to this dashboard:

My Queries Dashlet

This dashlet contains two tabs that allow the user to see either all of the queries they have created or just the queries which they have marked as a favourite query.

From the My Queries tab, you can mark or unmark individual queries as favourites, or easily share the query with different staff grades within the business.

From the My Favourites tab, you can view and click on your Favourite Queries to take you directly to that query.

My Favourite Reports Dashlet

The My Favourite Reports dashlet displays a list of reports that you have added to your favourites on the View Reports page. A Settings drop-down allows you to go directly to the Dates or Ranges report settings, or you can click on the report title to go straight to the report Preview.

Company Queries Dashlet

The Company Queries dashlet displays a list of queries that have been created and shared by other users in the company.

My Macros Dashlet - Build 9.9.7982

The new My Macros dashlet allows the user to access and run their frequently-used macros without having to find the macros in the report macro list each time.

12872 - New My Favourite Portfolios dashlet in the Reporting Dashboard

The new My Favourite Portfolios dashlet is now up and running. You can save all of your most frequently viewed portfolios to this dashlet.

Batching Recurring Bills - Build 9.9.7951

Batch Recurring Bills Help Centre Guide

Admin > Billing Administration

Batching Recurring Bills provides a way to group recurring bills together. New recurring bill batches can be added from the Recurring Bills Batch tab, located in Admin > Billing Administration.

Changes to Client Recurring Bills

Client > Recurring Bills

Once you’ve created a new batch, you can add existing Recurring Bills to a batch by selecting Client > Recurring Bills and clicking Edit Bill in the Actions column. A new Batch field has been added to this page to enable you to select the batch you’d like to add your recurring bill to.

Recurring Bill Generation

Admin > Billing Administration

A Batch field has also been added to the Filters section of the Recurring Bill Generation tab. Selecting the batch from this field will display all recurring bills attached to the selected batch.


Combine Clients - Build 9.9.7951

Combine Clients Help Centre Guide

Client > Task Pad > Combine Clients

The new Combine Clients page allows users to fix the problem of duplicate client codes within the system, often caused by setting up the same client for different reasons.


Enhancements to Macros - Build 9.9.7982

Multiple enhancements have been made to Macros, including the ability to edit shared macros, and to customise email subject lines and body text. You can read more about the new functionality in What's New/Changed in v9.9.7982, or visit our Help Centre to preview the changes.


Improvements to our Job Notes functionality

Based on your feedback and feature suggestions, we have implemented a wide range of improvements to our Job Notes functionality. In this release, we have added:

  • 13766 - The ability to complete multiple notes at once - users can now select multiple notes from the active job note tab in an Actions column, and complete them in one go.
  • 13780 - The ability to edit and delete job note replies - users can now edit or delete their job note replies. We have also added a permission so that approved users can delete replies of other members of staff.
  • 13768 - The user who completed a note is marked in the history - when a user completes a note through the new Actions function in the Active Notes tab, a record is created in the History tab.

To read more about these changes and how they work, visit our Help Centre guide.

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