
What's New/Changed in v9.8.SP1.7962

Here's what's changed in the latest build of Practice Engine V9.8.



13330 - Zero Bills not confirming

Zero Bills were not confirming and were staying in a draft status. This has now been resolved.

Reported by Grant Thornton Cyprus (Ticket no. 37260)

13331 - When drafting a bill, some zeros are being displayed as -0.00

When drafting a bill, when the analysis details loaded, in some cases the 0.00 C/F value was being displayed as -0.00. This has been fixed.

Reported by BMSS

13329 - Ascending icon not displaying on Client Partner Billing Guide Portfolio

When viewing the Client Partner Billing Guide Portfolio, if you changed the sort order then clicked Refresh, any column sorted in ascending order did not show the applicable ascending icon. This has now been resolved.

13546 - Accuracy issues with the timer on Timesheet page

Some users were experiencing accuracy problems with the timer function in the Timesheet page. The timer function is now working properly.

Reported by Albert Goodman (Ticket no. 38399)

13539 - Unable to add more than 255 characters of text in an Event

Users were unable to add more than 255 characters to the Notes field of an Event, even though you should have unlimited space for text. This has been fixed.

Reported by Albert Goodman (Ticket no. 37997)

13618 - Recurring Bill columns not balancing when adding unposted WIP

When trying to add unported WIP into a recurring bill, the three columns of Bill, Write Off and C/FWD were not balancing. This issue has been resolved.

Reported by WMT (Ticket no. 38869)

13589 - Client WIP out of balance error appearing

An out of balance error was appearing for some users when trying to confirm Zero Bills. This problem has been fixed.

Reported by Albert Goodman (Ticket no. 38740)

13545 - Billing guide dates not working as expected when printing

In the Billing guide portfolio, some users have found that after setting the Print From Date, WIP continues to show for dates outside of those set by the user. This issue has been fixed.

Reported by BMSS (Ticket no. 38364)

13583 - Update to Billing Guide SP

The SP has been updated for the Billing Guide.

Reported by BMSS

13545 - Unable to clear failed items on Draft Bill confirm queue

Some users were unable to clear items that had failed to print on the Draft Bill confirm queue. This has been fixed.

Reported by BMSS (Ticket no. 38330)



13158 - New Drafted By column in Biling Portfolio

We have added a Drafted By column to the Draft as Owner, Final Approval, Approved/ Confirmable and Details Approval portfolios of the Billing Portfolio. This is a default column that appears after the Client name.

13328 - Revert button added to Advanced Sort settings

A Revert button has been added to the Advanced Sort settings in the main portfolio grid that allows you to remove any added columns, restoring default column settings.

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