
What's New/Changed in v9.8.8200

Here's what's changed in the latest build of Practice Engine v9.8.

14392 - Transfer button mistakenly remaining active when reallocating receipts

When reallocating receipts to a client, users found that the transfer button remained active even if the name of the client was deleted after entering. This has now been fixed.

Reported by Beevers and Struthers (Ticket no. 42734)

14435 – Issues with importing over 500 entries in Disbursements

When importing batches in Entry > Disbursements, users are receiving an error message when importing over 500 entries in a CSV file.

Reported by Albert Goodman (Ticket no. 41925)

14563 – Disbursements not writing off when using scheduled billing with a final bill type of zero bill

When billing based on schedule and using a zero bill as the final bill type, only time is automatically written off – not disbursements. The outstanding disbursement amount is instead showing in the C/F column, and users are unable to edit the write off unless they change the bill type. A new option has been added to the Final Bill Type - Zero Bill and Include Disbursements.

Reported by Hayashi Wayland (Ticket no. 42776)

14722 – Credit note error message

Credit Notes were using the VAT rate applicable to the date of the Credit Note rather than the date that the invoice was raised, causing a difference in VAT calculations. This has now been fixed so that the Credit Note is picking up the VAT rate and amount that was used on the original invoice.

Reported by RSM Ireland (Ticket no. 44470)

14720 – Problems with reversing a zero bill

Previously if users created a Zero Bill reversal against WIP where the job has been closed, it doesn't re-open the job to then be able to re-instate the WIP. We have changed this function so that when a zero bill is reversed, the amount is showing in the WIP again, and the job is reopened.

Reported by RSM Ireland (Ticket no. 44365)

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