It would be extremely helpful to be able to print the billing guides by group.
Michelle Harris Official comment Hi Barbara
Billing guides can already be printed by group. If you choose a group client, from the client dashboard click onto the Group lockup figure. This will take you to a page that will display all clients within the group. From here you can select to include all clients within the group in the billing guide.
Barbara Juhass Hi Michelle,
I should have specified that when printing all the billing guides at the same from the main portfolio, if we could print all groups at the same time by group, it would be helpful. Can that be done?
Michelle Harris Hi Barbara,
This can probably be done with customised billing guides and reports. Contact support to discuss further.
Wanda Hooper I agree with Barbara, need to be able to print billing guides by group from the main portfolio as this is where we print all the guides at end of month.
Michelle Harris Hi both,
I am not sure whether it would just be a change to the bulk billing guide set up or whether development would need to do anything - so asking Support about whether the bulk billing guide could be changed to print by group would be the first option.
Scott Collier Any update Michelle? thanks
Andrew Hambly Hi all,
Let me see if I've got the request straight. Are you asking that the main portfolio summary page billing guide portfolios drill down to a list of groups within a partner or manager and that those can be ticked and have a print option like the client level does currently?
If that's the case, how do you get to a full list of clients for a partner if you want to print billing guides for a bunch of clients in different groups?
Would it be better to have a "Group Billing Guide" option in the Details drop down that lists the partners/managers and then drills down to the groups?
Either way, how do you see it working for clients who are in the group but don't belong to the partner/manager originally selected? Do they only see the clients they own, or do they see the whole group? Do they only see the group in the first place if they own the group header, or do they see the group if they own any client in the group?
Scott Collier Answers to your questions:
Yes, just like if you are in the Main Portfolio looking at aged WIP by partner. If you drill down on a partner, it lists by group, and there is a line for non grouped clients.
You would click the line for non grouped clients
Yes, might be easier to have have a group billing guide option
I don't understand your last questions. If partner A has 5 of 10 clients of a group, and partner B has the other 5, when your looking at Partner A clients it would show the group of his 5 clients, and likewise for Partner B. Not the entire group.
Michelle Harris Hi all,
Can we have some further feedback on this please in relation to Andrew's queries.
Michelle Harris This is planned for 9.8
Michelle Harris This has been completed and will be available when 9.8 is released
Kevin Oviatt I know this is a dated thread, but is there a way to print building guides from the Main Portfolio that are organized by Client Group. Currently, when you print multiple billing guides, it organizes the print by Client Code. Is there a way to organize the print by Client Group?
Michelle Harris Hi Kevin
The Consulting team should be able to make an adjustment so that it will print by client group. Please send in a request to Support.