Would like to request a column in the job grid that indicates there is a note attached to a job. Currently, you don't know if there is additional job information in a note unless you open the job, which makes the awesome job grid slightly less useful.
Vicky Stephenson Official comment This is customisable in the new version of PE 9.3.
PE Admins will require knowledge of SQL Server and T-SQL to customise any extra columns (A Custom Grid Columns document will be provided for reference). Failing that, clients will need to contact support to get these columns added to the relevant grids.
Vicky Stephenson
Software Tester
Lisa Dunnigan An alternative would be to add another section in the Job detail screens for notes so that you could see the note by clicking on the left tab rather than opening the job details and scrolling down.
Ryan Posener Hi Lisa,
That is a good option and one that we considered when building the panels for jobs. There were 2 reasons we did not include it: 1. was because 9.2 returned all job data in a massive "data download". and 2. was because we felt the display of history could be quite massive on some jobs, and of relatively little value to most clients in a smallish scroll panel.
The first part of that changed with 9.3 - the data is broken up into smaller segments. Also, the main jobs screen changed to single-panel of data at a time, instead of the continuous list of panels. With the dynamic panels and smaller data, I don't see a reason we can't add it in now.
We will review it and get back to you with more info.
Lisa Dunnigan Excellent! Thanks Ryan.
Ryan Posener Hi Lisa,
We will consider this for future, but it incurs an extra cost (since notes are in a different table) for every row in returned in the grid. Unless most of our clients started requiring this need, we would probably leave to a customization you could request via the helpdesk if this is important to your firm.
Brad Podzius Can this column with either an indicator of Notes or a direct link to the History/Notes details page be included in the standard system please?
Every firm will need this once they start using Workflow regularly.
Michelle Harris Planned as an individual panel
Michelle Harris This is planned for 9.8
We will add a column that will display a count of the active notes