Within enter deposit details, we would like an option added to search by Invoice number, right now there is only an option for Client Code.
Michelle Harris Hi Jess
This can be done in a slightly more long winded way. If you click on the Search option next to the client lookup, it will bring up the client search which has the Reference lookup.
We will keep this active as an option for a UX refinement.
Jessica Odefey Thanks Michelle! Yes, are aware of that option. Looking for a more efficient way of just entering the Invoice #, pressing the Tab key and the invoice/client automatically populating :)
Jessica Odefey To add on this request - we currently receive 100+ checks daily and our clients indicate the invoice number on their check, this creates extra work as we need to search the client for each check instead of in the deposit screen just searching by the invoice number. I think it would be great if there was both a 'Client Search' option and 'Reference Search' so we have the option to enter. We are currently going through the stack of checks first in the Reference search to get the client number and indicating that on the check so we don't have to search this each time within the deposit screen.